April 19, 2022 | Filed under:
From student to first call pro … that’s how I know Sammy K! At some point in every conductor’s career, they look back with curiosity at the percussion section. Sometimes that look is one of shock, and other times it is a look of wonder and delight. Sam was “my drummer” at Michigan State when I arrived on the faculty in 1989, and I was the benefactor of his presence. From the most sophisticated marching band licks, to the ultimate swing, groove, funk, rock, jazz machine behind his kit. Sammy K the performer does it all. To add to his incredible existence, Sam has been blessed with the incredible gift of effectively and profoundly teaching students of all ages. He composes, arranges, produces, and collaborates. All who consume Sammy K universally know and agree that above and beyond all, he is a great guy! I associate the phrase “total professional” with Sammy K! I am so proud to call him my friend for over 33 years!