October 1, 2006 | Filed under: Uncategorized

Monster Coaster!So here it is … the all new SlamminSammyK.com! Jeff and the team at Forward Media Group really created a wonderful online home for me, and I couldn’t be happier. Please look around and enjoy the site, send me a message if you would like, and I will get back to you. This new site includes some wonderful pages and links, check them out and visit my favorite musicians and drum industry friends.
Since this is the site of a working musician, I will update my musical experiences around the world and put some thoughts up about what I am up to. I am Blessed to play with some of the best musicians in the world, and I really enjoy what I do for a living. I will use this blog space to update what is going on with me, and welcome hearing from you. Clinics and live dates will be in the calendar section, so take a look and come see me live.
As the site continues to grow, I will continue to add photos of my favorite roller coasters from my journeys. Roller coasters are my pass time away from the drums, and I will use an off day on tour to add to my list of those I have ridden.

Enjoy the site, Thanks for stopping by.

Blessings to you

Sammy K